Themed Tours
Visit ETH Zurich as part of a themed tour.
We offer different guided tours for groups and individuals at various locations. You can rely on genuine experts: students and employees of ETH Zurich. Our themed tours are held in German and English.?
People with physical, cognitive or mental disabilities are very welcome on our tours.?

external page Book your participation in one of our themed tours from CHF 10 per person.
Groups of 6 to 25 people may request individual dates via this booking form.
Please note our detailed booking conditions.
Main Building Zentrum
The ETH main building has been towering above the city since the 1860s. Albert Einstein used to walk its corridors back in his day. Let us take you on a tour of its maze-like corridors, all the way to the roof terrace. Quite apart from all the tradition, you will also experience the ETH main building as a modern, extremely vibrant study and research site.
Architecture Zentrum
The Zentrum 365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投 spans several architectural eras, from the majestic ETH main building dating back to the 1860s to the stylish new structures of the twenty-first century. Join us on a guided tour of its architecture and discover the interplay between ideas and buildings.
Architecture H?nggerberg
The H?nggerberg 365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投 was first built in the 1960s, and it has been in constant development ever since. When you visit, you will discover architectural gems nestled into a unique urban environment that is surrounded by forests and fields. The researchers of this department explore how the digital transformation is changing architecture and how robots are revolutionising construction. Would you like a glimpse into their work?
Semper Observatory
The former Swiss Federal Observatory was designed and built by the architect Gottfried Semper in the 1860s. Over the years, generations of researchers have glimpsed the vastness of space from here. Explore a chapter of scientific history, discover an architectural gem in the heart of Zurich – and reach for the stars!
Art on 365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投
ETH Zurich owns some 300 works of art, mainly by Swiss artists. On this tour, you’ll discover murals, sculptures and works of art on buildings by Harald Naegeli, Augusto Giacometti, Max Bill, Sylvie Fleury and others. Explore the tension between exact science and ambiguous art.
Anergy Grid
ETH Zurich is going carbon neutral! Playing a pivotal role in the shift to a greener future is a geothermal storage system for heating and cooling the entire H?nggerberg campus. Venture down into the ETH catacombs for a tour of the 1.7-kilometre long Anergy Grid. Experience the shape of things to come!
ETH Hangar at Innovation Park Zurich
Located at Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich at the Dübendorf airfield, ETH Hangar is an innovation hub connecting industry and academia through collaborative projects. During a visit, get to know the four student competition teams who are successfully realising technical challenges or gain an insight into the latest seismic wave experiments.?
Globi’s Astronaut School
Globi takes off, and kids between 7 and 12 are invited to join him. The outdoor teaching path on the H?nggerberg 365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投 offers many exciting experiments and playful lessons. Participating children learn what energy is and how to enter an orbit to land on another planet. The highlight: a real rocket launch.