Andreas Kourouklis - Conductive skin
Conductive skin device for power transfer to life-saving implants
Our mission is to aim to help patients suffering from implant-related infections. Ventricular assist devices (VADs) have been staged as a life-saving solution against the shortage of organs for the treatment of advanced heart failure. The Achille’s tendon of VAD therapy is the transfer of energy with large drivelines that injure human skin and cause driveline-specific infections (DLIs). DLIs is the leading cause of readmissions, reducing survival rates and raising treatment costs. New solutions to stop DLIs shall make VADs accessible to an additional 100,000 potential patients every year for bridge-to-therapy and destination therapy, and they will improve the quality-of-adjusted-life (QALY) years by a four-fold. We have developed a novel materials method that i) improves the current state of the art (i.e., VAD drivelines) and ii) offers premise for safe energy transfer by protecting the barrier function of the skin in relevant animal models. Conductive Skin is supported by a group of international experts to advance our external page patented method in the market and give patients a happier life.

Andreas Kourouklis