Aufgeschoben statt aufgehoben

Die Kluft zwischen den Standpunkten ist nach wie vor gross: an der Klimakonferenz in Warschau, die letzten Samstagabend zu Ende ging, ist eine Einigung nur unwesentlich n?her gerückt. Worin bestehen die Gegens?tze? Und warum sind sie so schwer zu überwinden?
New Year cards up for graps
Sending out ETH Zurich New Year cards is a tradition. This year, ETH Zurich members can choose between six different versions and have personalised text printed on their cards.
A piece of ETH accompanies diesel cars

The first car using common rail injection technology travelled on Swiss roads twenty years ago. Engineers at the ETH Zurich played a crucial role in the development of the economical and low-emission diesel engine technology that is widely used today.
ETH improves its environmental footprint
The former central building of the Department of Physics has undergone an extensive renovation. The redevelopment concept looks forward, satisfying modern requirements for low energy consumption.
Ern?hrungssicherheit als System verstehen

Die weltweite Ern?hrung sicherzustellen ist ein komplexes Unterfangen, das weit über die Produktions- und Verteilungsproblematik hinausreicht. Um Ern?hrungssicherheit systematisch erfassen zu k?nnen, sollten vier zentrale Faktoren berücksichtigt werden.
Implantable slimming aid

ETH-Zurich biotechnologists have constructed a genetic regulatory circuit from human components that monitors blood-fat levels. In response to excessive levels, it produces a messenger substance that signalises satiety to the body. Tests on obese mice reveal that this helps them to lose weight.
Underestimated future climate change?

New model calculations by ETH researcher Thomas Fr?licher show that global warming may continue after a stoppage of CO 2 emissions. We cannot rule out the possibility that climate change is even greater than previously thought, says the scientist.
HCP: Construction begins for new office and seminar building
Starting today, there will be excavators arriving in front of building HCI. This marks the start of construction work for building HCP, which will last until autumn 2015. HCP will offer new, much-needed office space on the H?nggerberg.
National Council discusses tuition fees
The Federal Council has informed the National Council that it is willing to prepare rolling out differentiated tuition fees at ETH and EPFL, if this is permissible within the legal framework.
SWARM at scientific frontier

Sensing Earth's magnetic field from space: ETH-Professor Andy Jackson ventures to the frontier of science with the ESA SWARM mission.