September 2014
Wrestling it out on the Polyterrasse

The “Schwinget @ Polyterrasse” was a great success. To mark the 75th anniversary of the ASVZ, students clad in traditional breeches put their “Schwingen” skills to the test in an event which was topped off with a visit from some of the sport’s elite.
MRI Imaging technology is enhanced by hyperpolarization

In a paper just published in Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) a new imaging technology that uses so called Hyperpolarizing Solids (HYPSOs) was just described.
Taking stock and exhibiting the results

ETH Zurich’s Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) in Singapore is undertaking several research projects into sustainable urban development and architectural design. A selection of these research projects is now being presented for the first time as part of an exhibition at ETH Zurich.
?Wir allein k?nnen ja nichts ?ndern? – oder doch?

Im politischen Diskurs um den Klimaschutz h?rt man oft, dass die Treibhausgasemissionen eines so kleinen Landes wie der Schweiz global kaum ins Gewicht fallen und unsere Reduktionsbemühungen daher sinnlos seien. Doch diese Argumentation greift zu kurz: Es gibt erhebliche Anreize, etwas für den Klimaschutz zu tun – wir sollten sie nutzen.
How I imagine ETH in ten years’ time

As she comes to the end of her year as President of VSETH, Julia Wysling (from the Department of Mathematics, D-MATH) has outlined in her essay what she imagines ETH Zurich and its campus will be like in ten years’ time.
What it takes to perform well

Whether we are studying, at work or playing sport, performance is an integral part of our everyday lives. Find out how to deliver a good performance in the latest issue of “life – ETH community magazine”.
What earthquakes from the past tell us about the risks of today
On Friday seismologist Donat F?h from ETH Zurich was awarded the 2014 cogito Prize. He and his interdisciplinary team had been conducting fresh research into the disastrous earthquake that struck Basel in 1356.
If one link fails, the entire chain breaks

From 2017 onwards, Switzerland is to control its immigration policy independently. This policy jeopardises ETH Zurich's position as a top university in the world in the long term, as ETH Rector Lino Guzzella explained to members of parliament last week.
Director Wolfram Neubauer will be succeeded in his post by Rafael Ball
Wolfram Neubauer, Director of the ETH-Bibliothek, is retiring next year. He will be succeeded in his post by Rafael Ball, who is currently Director of the University Library of Regensburg
Flexible teaching at ETH Zurich

The traditional lecture may still be an integral part of everyday student life, but ETH Zurich’s flexible auditorium is paving the way for new forms of teaching.