January 2015
Kohle, Klima und Entwicklung – die Rolle Indiens

Die Energiegewinnung aus Kohle nimmt weltweit zu, besonders auch in Indien. Das Land m?chte den Kohleabbau in den kommenden Jahren verdoppeln. Für das Weltklima sind das schlechte Nachrichten.
The two faces of Mars

A moon-sized celestial object that crashed into the south pole of Mars: ETH geophysicists have conducted a three-dimensional simulation that shows for the first time how the Red Planet came to have two different hemispheres.
Demystifying nanocrystal solar cells

ETH researchers have developed a comprehensive model to explain how electrons flow inside new types of solar cells made of tiny crystals. The model allows for a better understanding of such cells and may help to increase their efficiency.
Small country, big effects

Many people claim that Switzerland cannot make much of a difference regarding climate change and the transformation of the global energy system, simply because it is so small. But this belief, and the associated passive stance towards energy policy, ignores the contribution that Switzerland can make as an innovation hub for institutional changes.
The Holocaust is not ‘unimaginable’

Seventy years ago, on 27 January 1945, soldiers of the Red Army liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp. Gregor Spuhler, head of the Archives of Contemporary History at ETH Zurich, explains in an interview how his institution contributes to commemorating the Holocaust.
Is geoengineering research going outdoors?

Geoengineering research has so far been confined to modelling and laboratory studies. Serious research outside of these limits has been a taboo because of the serious risks this may pose for ecosystems and society. However, two recent publications are breaking the ice and bringing the discussion of field experiments into the limelight of the scientific community.
UA: first appearance by the new Rector and a focus on careers

The promotion of upcoming young scientists and career development were the main items on the agenda at the first meeting of the University Assembly in 2015. This was also the first session involving the new Rector of ETH Zurich, Sarah Springman.
A fresh start for the Swiss higher education system

As of this year, the interests of all higher education institutions in Switzerland are represented by the new Rectors’ Conference of Swiss Universities, known as swissuniversities. On Tuesday, ETH President Lino Guzzella was elected to the swissuniversities Board.
A biography in honour of an ETH pioneer

Friday was the day of the launch event for a new book about Robert Gnehm. The occasion was organised by the ETH-Bibliothek and the Association of Swiss Pioneers of Industry and Technology.
Lokales Küstenmanagement in Madagaskar

In Madagaskars Südwesten w?chst der Druck auf die natürlichen Ressourcen des Meeres. Wissenschaftler, NGOs und die Bev?lkerung versuchen gemeinsam nachhaltige Nutzungsmethoden der Küstengew?sser zu etablieren.