July 2016
Lattice structure absorbs vibrations

Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a lattice structure capable of absorbing a wide range of vibrations while also being useful as a load-bearing component – for example, in propellers, rotors and rockets. It can absorb vibrations in the audible range, which are the most undesirable in engineering applications.
Monitoring cell fates

An international team of researchers led by ETH scientists has been studying the factors influencing the development of different blood cells. Their research shows that certain molecular mechanisms are not as relevant as previously assumed. This finding helps to improve our understanding of diseases such as leukaemia and anaemia.
On the world market with DNA labels

ETH researchers Michela Puddu and Gediminas Mikutis founded the company Haelixa in early summer. The company commercializes DNA-based tracers, which are more robust than ever before, for tracking fluids and products. The young entrepreneurs are now looking to enter the oil and geothermal sector.
The blog’s on holiday

Our writers are off on a well-deserved summer break until 25 August. We wish all of you a pleasant summer, whether you take a staycation or venture further afield …
A high-speed motor for satellites

A dizzying 150,000 revolutions per minute: researchers from ETH Zurich (Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering) and the ETH spin-off Celeroton have developed an ultra-fast magnetically levitated electric motor for reaction wheels. The high speed of rotation allows intensive miniaturisation of the drive system, making it attractive for use in small satellites.
Insekten essen: Delikat oder ekelhaft?

Westliche Kulturen verbinden Insekten eher mit Gefahr und Verdorbenem statt mit Essbarem – obwohl sie nachhaltige Proteinlieferanten w?ren. Wie k?nnen wir Insekten für Europa kulinarisch attraktiver machen, so dass die Menschen ihren Ekel überwinden?
Visualising muscle disease

Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a new marker substance for positron emission tomography (PET) that will allow them to monitor the progression of the degenerative muscle disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in a patient’s brain.
Eight professors appointed at ETH Zurich

Upon application of ETH President Lino?Guzzella the ETH?Board appointed a total of eight professors and awarded the title of professor to one individual.
Rui Brandao to head up IT Services at ETH Zurich

From banking to ETH: Rui Brandao will take over as head of ETH’s IT Services from 1 November 2016. The ETH Executive Board has appointed Brandao to succeed Reto Gutmann.
Extracting the content of single living cells

Biologists are increasingly interested in the behaviour of individual cells, rather than the one of an entire cell population. A new method developed at ETH could revolutionise single cell analysis. The technology uses the world’s smallest syringe to sample the content of individual cells for molecular analyses.