Laura Nyström honoured as most exemplary leader
At the togETHer staff party, Professor Laura Nystr?m was presented with the ALEA Award as ETH Zurich’s most exemplary leader. The award, presented annually, aims to emphasise the huge importance of leadership skills for the success of ETH and to promote the desired leadership culture.

“A friendly, respectful atmosphere characterised by responsibility and trust is one of the aspects that her research group particularly values. They also value her extraordinary support in combining work and family life, and her assistance with her employees’ careers,” said Linda Wehner, representative of the non-faculty staff association AVETH, before she presented Laura Nystr?m with the ALEA Award at today’s staff party togETHer.
Nystr?m, who works at the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health, is one of 46 leaders who were nominated as the best leader by their employees this year. In the end, she was the one who most impressed the jury, consisting of representatives from HR, the Staff Commission, Equal, AVETH and the external body UND. Her employees explain what exactly makes the Finn’s leadership style so exemplary in the video.

The two additional finalists
In addition to Laura Nystr?m, two other personalities from 46 nominated ETH Zurich leaders made it into the final: Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Professor at the Chair of Planning Landscape and Urban Systems, and Klaas Stephan, Professor of Translational Neuromodelling. What distinguishes these two is to be experienced in the videos.

ALEA Award
The ALEA Award honours leaders who facilitate modern and innovative working conditions, and who promote combining a career with having a family and taking on commitments outside of work. It succeeds the previous Golden Tricycle award, which was launched in 2007 by AVETH, the non-faculty staff association, and Equal, the Office of Equal Opportunities. Around 40 to 50 nominations are submitted each year, mostly for professors.