June 2019
Learning in the urban lab in Singapore

Students from 12 departments took part in the first “ETH Singapore Month”, a “classroom” more than 10,000 kilometres away from the Zurich campus. Within an intensive month, they crossed disciplinary boundaries to develop proposals to address complex problems posed by urbanisation.
From ski racer to bone specialist

He was Switzerland’s junior champion in Super-G and dreamed of becoming a professional skier. Today he no longer regrets after that shattered dream: as an ETH Pioneer Fellow, Thomas Zumbrunn develops a new method to fix bone fractures.
No Swiss ePrix at H?nggerberg

In 2020 and in subsequent years, no Formula E race will be held around the ETH H?nggerberg campus. The extensive construction measures required for the race infrastructure contradict the ethos of a sustainable campus.
The dream of living on other worlds
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- Globe magazine

The idea of living on the Moon, Mars or an even more distant planet has long captured our imagination. When facts are in short supply, fiction thrives – but science fiction has a habit of eventually becoming science fact.
Racing through the tropical rainforest

While forestry is the main reason for road building in the Congo Basin, not all roads result in deforestation. The decisive factor is how they’re used, writes Fritz Kleinschroth.
Maksym Kovalenko receives R?ssler Prize

Maksym Kovalenko is being recognised for his research on bright nanoparticles with this year’s R?ssler Prize, which carries an endowment of 200,000 Swiss francs in research funding.
Targeting individual atoms

In recent decades, NMR spectroscopy has made it possible to capture the spatial structure of chemical and biochemical molecules. Now researchers at ETH have found a way to apply this measurement principle to individual atoms.
Clean energy from local producers
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- Globe magazine

Is it possible to boost sales of locally produced solar energy by allowing households to trade it through a peer-to-peer platform? The year-long Quartierstrom research project in Walenstadt is investigating how energy markets might operate in the future.
Deep inside the brain
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- Globe magazine

ETH researchers are using brain stimulation to investigate the consequences of stress and to find new therapies for treating stress-related psychiatric diseases. One day it may even be possible to cure brain disorders quite literally in our sleep – without taking pills.
Aiming high

A team of students has been developing and building a rocket for nearly a year. This week they will be competing against some 50 other teams at the Spaceport America Cup 2019 in New Mexico. It’s time to see whether all their dedication pays off as they attempt to shoot their rocket to a height of three kilometres.