August 2019
ETH+: Five further initiatives selected

In the second round of ETH+, the Executive Board’s funding instrument for new research ideas and exchange between disciplines and departments, five new initiatives were selected. These address a range of topics, from living materials to quantum science.
Quantum computers and the future of computation

Are there limits to what computers are actually able to compute, and do quantum computers really solve more problems than conventional computers? Computer scientist Scott Aaronson will discuss these kinds of fundamental questions during the Paul Bernays Lectures 2019.
People and technology ensured inspiration at Zurich’s main station

Cybathlon feeling and plenty of enthusiasm at Zurich’s main station – numerous visitors came to join the competition yesterday as people with disabilities used the latest assistive technology to overcome a challenging obstacle course.
3D printed salt template for bioresorbable bone implants

With the help of a 3D printed salt template, ETH researchers have succeeded in producing magnesium scaffolds with structured porosity that are suitable for bioresorbable bone implants.
Energising buildings

A solar fa?ade developed at ETH Zurich combines electricity production with intelligent shading to achieve optimal energy balance.
Can you produce kerosene with air and sunlight?

You can find the answer in this video and at Scientifica from 30 August to 1 September at the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich. Scientifica is the biggest science festival in Switzerland. This year's theme ist “science fiction – science facts”.
Artificial intelligence in the podcast

The pace of technological progress is high. In the current edition of our podcast, we talk about the advantages and dangers of artificial intelligence.
A good ear for time travel – or how time really ticks

Time is a fundamental dimension of human existence and comes in many forms. Using a comparative approach, philosopher and physicist Norman Sieroka looks at what distinguishes them, using time travel and music.
Why we need new climate models

Climate models are a success story, given that much of what they predicted has actually come true. Nevertheless, Reto Knutti points out in a blog post, researchers still need new models.
3D printing of silicone components

ETH spin-off Spectroplast has developed a method to make silicone products using a 3D printer. The young company now plans to bring to market customised medical products such as hearing aids, breast prosthesis for breast cancer patients and eventually even artificial heart valves.