Of course it's for girls!
ETH Zurich is committed to getting children interested in science and technology. For example, students from ETH Zurich and PHGR (University of Teacher Education Graubünden) jointly trained children for the robotics competition entitled "First Lego League". Two teams made it to the finals, one of which was received by ETH Rector Sarah Springman for a visit.

The "i-Girls" were one of two teams that prevailed in the regional finals of the international robotics competition "First Lego League" in Chur.
The pupils were coached by ETH Zurich in cooperation with the PHGR. It is an example of how ETH Zurich is committed to promoting STEM subjects (mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology) in elementary and secondary schools.
"It's extremely important to introduce young girls to the STEM field so they can decide for themselves what they find interesting."Sarah Springman, Rector of ETH Zurich
Prior to the grand finale on 15 May, the students visited Rector Sarah Springman and Professor Juraj Hromkovic at ETH Zurich, where they presented their self-made robot. The girls, aged between 10 and 13, impressed both of them.

Training and Advisory Centre for Computer Science Teaching (ABZ)
Under the direction of Juraj Hromkovic, ETH Professor of Information Technology and Education, the Training and Advisory Centre for Computer Science Teaching (ABZ) at ETH Zurich supports schools and teachers in elementary and secondary schools who want to establish or expand their computer science teaching. It offers continuing education courses, teaching materials and specially developed teaching aids. One focus of the ABZ is the promotion of computer science teaching in elementary school and at secondary level 1. Since August 2020, students from ETH Zurich and the PHGR have been coaching children and young people at the PHGR for the First Lego League.