Blog posts on digitalisation

CTRL+ALT+RELAX – or how digital tools help combat work stress


Portrait of Dr Erika Meins

Working in the digital age is increasingly stressful for many people. For Erika Meins, digital technologies and artificial intelligence are both the cause and part of the solution, as they can effectively help reduce stress.

by Dr. Erika Meins

What location data reveals about you


Nina Wiedemann, Doctoral Student ETH Zurich

Location data allows rich insights into private details about our lives: where we live and work, how we spend our free time and what is important to us, says Nina Wiedemann. This poses a considerable security risk – even if we have nothing to hide. ?

by Nina Wiedemann, Doctoral Student ETH Zurich
(Updated: )

From weakest link to security factor


Portrait Verena Zimmermann

Verena Zimmermann is convinced that it is too simplistic to view people solely as a risk factor in cyber security. Rather, the special abilities of users should be utilised in a targeted way in order to increase cyber security.

by Prof. Verena Zimmermann

Digi, Nano, Bio, Neuro – or why we should care more about converging technologies


Portrait picture of Dirk Helbing

Dirk Helbing expects future digital technologies to penetrate the human body even more in the future. However, he believes that society is not prepared for the risks involved. He puts forward a new legal framework to protect our most intimate data from misuse.

by Prof. Dirk Helbing

Artificial augmented creativity: A new era of art


Artificial intelligence is transforming the way in which art is created and experienced. Are we at the beginning of a new artistic revolution? Or at the end of creativity as we know it? Adrian Christopher Notz puts things in perspective.

by Adrian Christopher Notz

Why business should embrace digital responsibility


Portraitphoto of Tomoko Yokoi

As society increasingly expects the responsible use of digital technologies, firms with better practices will have a distinct advantage, says Tomoko Yokoi. Digital responsibility should not only be seen as a duty to comply with regulations but also as an activity that generates value.

by Tomoko Yokoi

The future of work: 3/2, 2/3, or 0/4?

  • Social issues
  • Health
  • Digitalisation
Portraitphoto of Gudela Grote

How productive are we when we work from home? It’s an increasingly common question. But Gudela Grote believes it’s the wrong question, because it says more about our conceptions of human nature than about effective ways of working.

by Prof. Gudela Grote

An AI future worthy of humanity


Potrait of Peter Kirchschläger

Ethicist Peter G. Kirchschlaeger highlights how artificial intelligence can be regulated worldwide – and is pleased to have the support of leading international figures.

by Prof. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger

How should AI be used in the justice system?


Ayisha Piotti

Artificial intelligence promises to support judges in their decision-making. In fact, it renders their decisions and tasks more complex, argues Ayisha Piotti.

by Ayisha Piotti

Artificial intelligence is not a pandemic


Portrait of Gerd Kortemeyer

There are concerns that ChatGPT could undermine the educational system, and growing demands for rules governing its use. Gerd Kortemeyer argues that anything but the most common sense regulations could end up being counterproductive.

by Dr. Gerd Kortemeyer
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