Prizes and related events

ETH Zurich awards various prizes to excellent researchers, which are listed below. For further information also see the overview of research prizes awarded by other institutions and the news page for prizes and other honours awarded to or by ETH Zurich.
Latsis Prize and Symposium
The Fondation Latsis Internationale finances the annual ETH Zurich Latsis Prize, which is dedicated to young researchers. The foundation has also been supporting the annual Latsis Symposium since 1986.
Lopez-Loreta Prize / Grant
The Lopez-Loreta Prize has been in existence since 2018 and is given to excellent young researchers of ETH Zurich and three other European universities. The award is used to work on breakthrough scientific discoveries or promising technological innovations.
R?ssler Prize
The R?ssler Prize is awarded to a young professor of ETH Zurich on an annual base. Dr Max R?ssler established the prize to support promising young researchers in the middle of an accelerating career.
Chorafas Prize
Each year, the Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation awards the Chorafas Prize to doctoral students of ETH Zurich in engineering, medical and natural sciences who have received a silver medal for their dissertation.
Ru?i?ka Prize
The annual Ru?i?ka Prize is awarded by ETH Zurich to honour research in chemistry conducted in Switzerland or by a Swiss citizen working abroad.
Spark Award
ETH Zurich gives the Spark Award for the most promising invention that was patented in the preceding year.
Andreas Krause named IEEE Fellow

Professor Andreas Krause from the Department of Computer Science has been named IEEE Fellow for his contributions to active sensing, Bayesian optimization and learning-based control. Big congratulations!
Humboldt Research Award for Bruno Sudret

Bruno Sudret, Professor of Risk, Safety, and Uncertainty Quantification at the ETH-Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, has won the Humboldt Research Award. Sudret receives the award in recognition of his academic achievements and contributions to the field of uncertainty quantification. In addition to the personal prize money, he will be invited to carry out a research project of his choice in collaboration with specialist colleagues in Germany.
Spark Award 2024 for Marie Amélie Perrin and Victor Mougel

The prize for the most promising invention of the past year goes to Marie Amélie Perrin and Victor Mougel. They have developed a method that enables rare earth elements to be efficiently recovered from electrical waste.