Master High Energy Physics

The program prepares students for a future research career in High Energy Physics but it is also an excellent preparation for many other activities outside academia. In particular, students will learn to solve challenging problems in a very competitive environment.
The two-year programme offers a coherent education in theoretical and experimental High Energy Physics. In addition, specialized courses on various modern areas of High Energy Physics are offered. The first year consists of lectures covering the fundamentals of High Energy Physics, as well as exercises and laboratory work. The second year consists of specialized lecture courses, followed by a six-month Master thesis.
Candidates should apply to the institution where they intend to spend the first year of the programme.
Language of instruction
Credits | duration
120 ECTS | 2 years
Academic title
Master of Science in Physics ETH Zurich – University Paris-Saclay, Major in High Energy Physics
Requirement profile
Detailed information
ETH Zurich
Department of Physics
Otto-Stern-Weg 1
HPF G 9.2