Master Mathematics/Applied Mathematics

The Master’s degree programme in Mathematics deepens the knowledge acquired in the ETH Zurich Bachelor’s degree programme or equivalent degrees. Here the students not only learn to understand the presented matter, they also acquire skills to practice mathematics independently. Therefore the lectures require more personal contributions.
After one year of in-depth studies, the Master's programme ends with a five-months Master's thesis, which does not focus on the mere understanding of mathematical concepts and methods anymore, but requires their independent advancement.
With the Master's degree students acquire the full qualification of a scientifically trained mathematician.
Language of instruction
Credits | duration
90 ECTS | 1.5 years
Academic title
Master of Science ETH in Mathematics
Master of Science ETH in Applied Mathematics
Qualifying disciplines
Bachelor‘s degree programmes in Mathematics
Requirement profile
Detailed information
ETH Zurich
Department of Mathematics
Raemistrasse 101
HG G 33.2