Master Space Systems

The term “space systems” encompasses key technologies, sensors, and analysis methodologies - as well as the combination thereof - that are required for human and robotic activities in space.

The Master’s degree programme in Space Systems offers a comprehensive overview of modern space systems, with a special emphasis on modern approaches to build space systems, and with a special attention to analyses of space data, and sustainability. Each student also chooses a focus, such as aerospace engineering, space robotics, scientific missions or modern space communications technology. Graduates of the programme are able to use both analytical approaches and modelling tools of system engineering to develop and analyse space systems in a targeted and responsible manner, as well as to understand the context of a given technology or subsystem in the context of its use as part of a system. The students will learn in a team of different academic backgrounds to train for an agile work environment.

The Master’s degree qualifies its holders for system and technology focused jobs in the space sector from new space startups and also space agencies; for science jobs that focus on space hardware and space data analysis in research organizations such as universities; and to pursue research and development in the public sector where space data and/or technologies are involved.


  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Space Communication
  • Earth Observation
  • Planetary Science
  • Robotics

Language of instruction


Credits | duration

120 ECTS | 2 years

Academic title

Master of Science ETH in Space Systems


Dr. Simon St?hler
Curriculum Director

ETH Zurich
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Sonneggstrasse 5
NO H 53.2
8092 Zurich

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