
Virtual Teaching Assistant.

Last updated February 28, 2025.

A steampunk-style machine at a university
What Ethel looks like (we think).

Ethel is now running in its third semester as virtual teaching assistant. The Ethel ecosystem has a number of components that support teaching and learning at ETH Zurich and EPFL.

Tools that are in production this semester include:

The project is supported by the Rectorate of ETH Zurich, as well as swissuniversities.

Interested in experimenting? For students, there are masters thesis projects associated with the development and testing of Ethel. If you are teaching at ETH, you can also get involved.

Contact: Gerd Kortemeyer, Rectorate and AI Center, ETH Zurich,

Ethel is online: - access is limited to ETH (ETHZ and EPFL) affiliates.

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