"42" a reader published by CTETH. "42" bundles critical text from and about the sciences.

Editorial to the Critical-Thinking-Reader “42”
“42” and the Meaning of Life
“42” is the at once correct and incomprehensible answer to the question about the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything in Douglas Adams’ cult novel The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (1979). The answer is generated by Deep Thought, a supercomputer (whose contemporary name resemblance is hardly a coincidence…), and who in turn goes on to criticise the imprecision of the question.
Consequently, and since its articles ultimately deal with the question how to ask a good question, the present little anthology of epistemological and sociological essays, of prominent expressions of displeasure and suggestions for improvements bears the title ?42“ (whose name resemblance is intentional).
From 2017-2020, the Critical Thinking Initiative published twelve issues of the reader "42". As part of the repositioning of the focus on Critical Thinking within the ETH Competencies Framework, the publication of "42" was discontinued.


Exlusively for "42":
Essay by Prof Bishop
?Reduction, Emergence and Critical Thinking?, Robert C. Bishop, ?42?, 9/2018:
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protected page 12. Issue (4/19, pdf 13.2 mb)
protected page 11. Issue (3/19, pdf, 9.2 mb)
protected page 10. Issue (2/19, pdf, 6.4. mb)
protected page 9. Issue (1/19, pdf, 8.9 mb)
protected page 8. Issue (4/12, pdf, 7.8mb)
protected page 7. Issue (3/18, pdf, 4.3 mb)
protected page 6. Issue (2/18, pdf, 5.9 mb)
protected page 5. Issue (1/18, pdf, 5.8 mb)
protected page 4. Issue (4/17, pdf, 10.6 mb)
protected page 3. Issue (3/17, pdf, 7.8 mb)
Why "42"?
The answer can be found here: external page Link