Enabling project-based education
PBLabs (Project-Based Labs) is a strategic initiative of the Rectorate. We enable project-based education (PBE) to empower our graduates as they navigate a world of change and tackle the challenges of tomorrow.
We aim to build a coherent and consistent PBE approach across ETH Zurich. This requires a shared understanding of questions such as when PBE is an effective approach and when it is not, what the dos and don’ts are, and how the desired learning outcomes can be ensured.

We provide expertise, support, and inspiration for lecturers, educational developers, and department representatives who develop and implement PBE formats.
What is project-based education (PBE)?
Project-based courses: their design and management

We coordinate the education of student coaches for PBE formats at ETH Zurich to allow for scalability and exploit synergies
Coaching Students lecture FS2025
Facilitating student workshops: principles and practices FS2025

We design and operate PBLabs RZ and HIT, innovative teaching spaces that are purpose-built for hosting PBE formats.
Info and booking on PBLabs Spaces (RZ and HIT)
UPCOMING DEADLINES: Applications for HS2025 opened on 3. February 2025.

News and events
To stay up to date with PBLabs's activities, please sign up to our newsletter
Coaching Students lecture FS2025
Facilitating student workshops: principles and practices FS2025
Project-based courses: their design and management
While we do not claim to have all the answers yet, we are confident that by fostering a community of practice among lecturers, educational developers, and study programs, we will generate valuable insights and learnings for everyone involved in designing and implementing project-based courses and curricula.
Moreover, many PBE formats rely on trained coaches. PBLabs facilitates, coordinates, and fosters the education of student coaches, and maintains a pool of trained student coaches, enabling us to connect lecturers in need of coaches with suitable candidates.

ETH Zürich
Unit for Teaching and Learning (UTL)
Auf der Mauer 17
Please note: This is our office address - it is NOT the address of PBLabs RZ. PBLabs RZ is located at Clausiusstrasse 59 D-Floor.