The world is getting smaller and there is no escape
Our world is fundamentally changing. We are living within global tipping points of almost inconceivable magnitude which are impacting every aspect of our lives; our communities; our cities and our societies. But how are people dealing with change? To some extent, human behaviour adapts to change not out of conviction, but rather comfort, fear or greed.

Dr Chris Luebkeman, ETH Alumni and Head of Global Foresight, Research and Innovation at Arup spends the majority of his time travelling the world to give keynote addresses, talks, workshops and expert interviews to a wide variety of government agencies, non-profits, corporations, schools, media outlets and industry groups. Ostensibly, Chris’ mission is to facilitate conversations about how to best embrace change and its effects on the built environment, but in so doing he acts as an indispensable emissary to the very groups whose work intersects with that of Arup, building rapport and cultivating relationships with future clients.