Exclusive ETH Zurich Events in Davos
ETH Zurich hosts several exclusive, by invitation only, events in its pavilion in Davos, during the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting 2020.

Tuesday, 21 January 2020
The Olympics of Innovation

17.00 - 18.00
The external page Diplomatic Courier and the World in 2050 Think Tank are pleased to present the 2050 Global Innovation Challenge Awards - a competition celebrating ground-breaking innovators tackling complex problems: the future of humanity.
external page The Olympics of Innovation
Event registration now closed.
Demystifying Quantum

21.00 - 22.00
Modern computers are powerful machines, but they operate based on the laws of classical physics. Why restrict ourselves to classical laws? The world of quantum physics, offers a completely different set of laws and opportunities.
This is an affiliated session of the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting
Wednesday, 22 January 2020
Times Higher Education and University of Toronto

7.30 - 9.30
Government, industry, and academic leaders including the WEF's external page GULF explore “the power of place”, the influence universities in communities, and how local impact supports global ambition in higher ed.
By invitation only.
Designing Water's Future

09.30 - 10.45
The World Economic Forum through its Platform for Global Public Goods (PGPG), is actively advancing a range of partnerships to accelerate the global water agenda.
This session provides an opportunity for leaders of major brands, designers of global movements, and developers of some of the most successful participatory projects to come together for an urgent work session to designing water’s future.
Thinking in a Digital World

16.00 - 17.00
The more we talk about robots or artificial intelligence, the more we need to rediscover the power of human thinking. With this claim as a premise, three imperatives can be deduced: Be logical, critical, and creative! Download More... (PDF, 98 KB)
Join us for a public lecture with Corporate Philosopher, Luc de Brabandere – no registration required.
Ice on Fire

22.00 - 23.00
As part of the Forum’s dialog, How to address urgent climate and environmental challenges harming our ecology and economy we look at climate mitigation solutions posed in external page Ice On Fire - a film Leonardo DiCaprio produced featuring ETH spinoff, external page Climeworks.
This is an affiliated session of the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting

Thursday, 23 January 2020
Swiss-African Business Roundtable

09.15 - 10.45
This roundtable is organized by external page rainbow unlimited, co-founder of the Africa CEO Forum, and external page Ringier AG, the leading international Swiss media company, with the pan-African media brand external page Pulse in its portfolio. The aim is to connect Swiss & African businesses, discuss topics of common interest in Swiss-African business relations and increase the visibility of Africa & African business at the World Economic Forum.
ETH Alumni Davos Excursion

11.30 - 15.30
ETH Zurich Alumni visit the interactive exhibition on RETHINKING CREATIVITY followed by lunch in the external page Tastelab restaurant - an ETH Spinoff company owned and operated by ETH Alumni.
End of Consumption

20.00 - 21.30
ETH and the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (GDI) engage a discussion on how digitalisation and changing consumer attitudes impact the future of the retail industry. GDI's study suggests a provocative model in which man and machine collaborate in the creative process.
Friday, 24 January 2020
Internet of Education

7.30 - 9.30
external page Learning Economy and the external page Diplomatic Courier present a breakfast roundtable to announce the launch of our C-Lab initiative with the State of Colorado for global innovation research. Chris Purifoy, CEO of the Learning Economy presents an exponential vision for the future. Download More... (PDF, 68 KB)
Other ETH Events in Davos
Global Shapers Zurich Pre-Davos Summit

ETH Zurich professors, Adina Rom, Executive Director of ETH 4 Development and Sonia Seneviratne, Center for Climate Systems Modeling at ETH speak at the Global Shapers Zurich Pre-Davos Summit.
external page Global Shapers Pre-Davos Summit 17-19 January 2020...