National Climate Day: The Fate of Forests

27 May 2021: Online event - On the occasion of the first Swiss National Climate Day, our RETHINKING LIVING series looks at how the latest research helps protect and restore forests and how we can play a role in their fate.
ETH Meets Stuttgart

8 September 2021: Join "It's a Small World After All" in Stuttgart's House of Switzerland. ETH Zurich is part of a varied programme of events planned over a four-month period, with temporary exhibitions, interactive installations and activities combining Swiss innovation with entertainment.
ETH Global Lecture Series: Unusual Partnerships for Planetary Action

22 April 2021 - Online Event - On occasion of Earth Day 2021, Aron Cramer, CEO of Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), and Nina Buchman, Professor at ETH Zurich, discuss the state of our planet and the actions we need to take in order to restore it.
Call for Young Researchers’ Exchange Programme with South Korea

The 2021 call for young researchers’ exchange between South Korea and Switzerland is now closed. ?
Call for Young Researchers’ Exchange Programme with Japan

The 2021 call for young researchers’ exchange between Japan and Switzerland is now closed.