ETH Meets you at the AAAS in Washington DC

4 March 2023, Researchers from ETH Zurich, University of Cambridge, and the University of Minnesota offer their collective intelligence on the "Origins of Life: Humanity’s Quest to Discover the Nature of Life in the Universe" during the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting in Washington DC.
Webinar Young Researchers' Exchange Programme South Korea

5 December, 9 am CET, Zoom: The Young Researchers' Exchange Programme of the Leading House Asia offers doctoral students of all disciplines and research fields a 3-6 months funded research stay in South Korea. Informative webinar with young researchers currently in South Korea to share experiences and answer questions.

11. November 2022, Gespr?chsrunde:?Die Folgen von Klimawandel und Artenverlust ver?ndern unsere Lebensweise immer sicht-? und spürbarer und sie werden dies nach allem vernünftigen Dafürhalten in Zukunft noch viel grundlegender tun.