ETH Global Lecture Series: Industrial Metaverse: Hype? Hope? A bit of Both?

20 Feb 2024 -?An Industrial Metaverse is evolving as an innovative convergence fueled by the deep digital transformation of the sector as it recognizes and realizes new opportunities which the transformation is revealing. What is it? Where did it come from? What can it do? What will it be able to do??
ETH Meets You in Davos 2024

15 - 19 January 2024 -?ETH Zurich invites you to experience the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting. Please join us in Davos as we discuss and rETHink important challenges of our time such as environmental changes and technological advancements.
2023 Call for Applied Research Partnership Grants

The Leading House Asia launches the call for Applied Research Partnership Grants to support the deepening of an existing partnership or the establishment of a new partnership through a joint research project or activities in the field of education. The call is open for Switzerland-?based researchers collaborating with an Asia-?based partner. The application deadline is on 31 January 2024.
New Geopolitical Order in Eastern Europe

19 Oct 2023 -?Moldova, not being a member state of the European Union or of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), is confronted with unique vulnerabilities and complexities in relation to the ongoing war in Ukraine. The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, and the President of the Swiss Confederation, Alain Berset, will address the role of Moldova within the broader geopolitical context of Eastern Europe at ETH Zürich.
ETH Global Lecture Series: The Ministry for the Future

23 Oct 2023 - The Ministry for the Future, by Kim Stanley Robinson, is a book which has had far reaching impact.?What was he hoping to achieve with the work? What has happened in the three years since it was published? What has he learned? What is he hoping for, now that that his fiction has become one of the stories by which people understand the crisis we all face?
ETH Meets Berlin 2023

3 - 4 Nov 2023 - ETH Meets You at the Berlin Science Week 2023. Covering a spectrum from pioneering a paradigm shift for sustainable transformation to cultivating sustainable solutions for cities, ETH Zurich hosts two events at this years' Berlin Science Week.