
President of the University Assembly

Prof. Dr. Dr. Dagmar Iber (teaching faculty representative, KdL)

Vice President of the University Assembly 

Christopher Sauder (representative of the administrative & technical staff, PeKo)

Sara Eberhart (member of the committee)

Emilie Einsiedel (member of the extended committee)

Patricia Brandl

Andreas Farner

Nikolaus Porenta


Lorena Kuratle

Arturo Winters

(Mitglied Ausschuss)

(Mitglied erweiterter Ausschuss)


Christopher Sauder (Vice President and member of the committee)

Christian Mimj?hner (member of the extended committee)

Sabine Hoffmann

Daniela Kalbermatter

Isabella De Nitti


Markus Joachim  

Prashanth Kanduri  


The committee of the University Assembly consists of one representative of each of the four university groups.

The extended committee consists of the members of the committee as well as one additional representative of each university group:

Prof. Dr. Dr. Dagmar Iber
Teaching faculty representative

Representative of the scientific staff

Student representative

Christopher Sauder
Personnel representative

Committee plus:

Dr. Katja K?hler
Teaching faculty representative

Representative of the scientific staff

Student representative

Christian Mimj?hner
Personnel representative

Permanent guests

In addition, the following persons are permanent guests of the University Assembly UA (without voting rights):

Office | Secretariat

Daniela Stark

Secretariat of the University Assembly

Daniela Stark

Dep. Gesundheitswiss. und Technol.
Schmelzbergstrasse 9
8092 Zürich

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