Dr. Simon Muntwiler

Dr.  Simon Muntwiler

Dr. Simon Muntwiler

Staff of Office of ETH Sustainability

ETH Zürich

Stab ETH Sustainability

WES B 13

Weinbergstrasse 41

8092 Zürich


Curriculum vitae

Simon Muntwiler joined ETH Sustainability in October 2024. His focus is on sustainability reporting and monitoring, greenhouse gas accounting, and internal and external stakeholder management.

Simon received a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and an M.Sc. in Robotics, Systems and Control from ETH Zürich in 2016 and 2019, respectively. He was awarded two Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Awards for his bachelor studies. During his master studies, he was part of the Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Program and spent one semester abroad at MIT. From October 2019 to September 2024, he was a pursuing a doctorate in the Intelligent Control Systems Group under the supervision of Prof. Melanie Zeilinger and funded by the Bosch Research Foundation. His research focused on optimization-based estimation and control for uncertain systems. Besides his research, Simon was member of the D-MAVT Sustainability Commission and the sounding board of the ETH Net Zero Program, and coordinated the AVETH sustainability team.

He is co-founder of the association external page terran Switzerland.

Further information: ETH Sustainability.

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