Isabelle Castagna
Isabelle Castagna
Staff of Sustainability
Curriculum Vitae
Isabelle Castagna joined ETH sustainability in May 2018. She is the project manager of the ETH Sustainable Gastronomy project.
She holds a Master’s degree in Geography with a minor in Forestry Science and Biogeography from the University of Zurich. After her studies she was part of a restoration project team for former diamond mines at the environmental department of Namdeb Diamond Corp. in Namibia. There she analysed the environmental impact of diamond mining and the required remediation measures. At following positions, she analysed global building portfolios in terms of potential financial losses caused by natural hazard risks such as flood or earthquakes. She then evaluated environmental and social sustainability indicators for food and non-food labels at FiBL. At BLS she was in charge for key environmental and energy projects from conception to implementation. And at Zurich Insurance Switzerland, she co-created the new CR strategy for Zurich Insurance in Switzerland. Amongst others, she set up an innovative and wide-ranging mobility concept.