Your active phase
Change of address, Change of marital status, Birth announcement, Change of salary account
Employment confirmation
If you need a confirmation of your employment at ETH Zurich, you can contact us by email and we will gladly help. If the confirmation is needed for any of your employees, please contact Human Resources directly.
Reporting changes in your residence permit (change from permit B to C) or naturalisation
If you have received a settlement permit C or if you have obtained Swiss citizenship, we kindly ask you to inform Human Resources by means of this form and an official document.
Revalidation of aliens permit
The settlement permits (permit C) are generally valid for five years. Before your permit expires, you will automatically receive a reminder from your district office (Kreisbüro) or the resident's registration office (Einwohnerkontrolle) with the necessary instructions for the revalidation of your permit. If there are any uncertainties, do not hesitate to contact us.
Temporary disability due to an illness or an accident
Absences during the semester because of an illness or an accident, which last longer than one week, have to be reported to the head of the teaching and research unit concerned. If the absence lasts longer than one week for other reasons, it requires the approval of the head of the teaching and research unit concerned.
Detailed information on ?accidents? as well as the online form for accidents may be found at:
Prolonged disability due to an illness or an accident
Prolonged absences due to an illness or an accident are taken seriously. In case of an accident or an illness of a professor, Team Consulting for Professors must be informed by means of all original medical certificates (please refer to the address indicated in the contact field).
Within the scope of a professional case management, Consulting for Professors and Human Resources support and accompany the professor. In the sense of an early detection, the person responsible will speak to the professor and establish the necessary contacts with the corresponding social security institution.
Maternity leave
Detailed information on leaves of absence may be found in the Directives Concerning Sabbaticals of ETH Zurich Professors of 12 October 2009.
Professors are entitled to one half-year, fully paid, and one one-year, partially paid, sabbatical in seven years of office. For detailed information, please refer to Art. 1.7 in the Directives Concerning Sabbaticals for Professors of ETH Zurich.
Unpaid leave
The President can grant ETH professors unpaid leaves of absence, provided that this is not contrary to the interests of ETH Zurich. For detailed information, please refer to the Directives Concerning Sabbaticals for Professors of ETH Zurich.
You will find detailed information on outside activities in the Guidelines Concerning Outside Activities of ETH Zurich Professors, dated 12 October 2008.
Outside activities require an advance approval by the ETH Executive Board. You will find the relevant information in the guidelines mentioned. We ask you to address an application letter to the President, together with the completed and signed Application Form for Approval to Exercise an Outside Activity and a signed declaration of impartiality.
Personal data, absences
Abt. Beratung Prof.
Binzmühlestrasse 130

Leave of absence, sabbaticals, outside activities
Abt. Beratung Prof.
Binzmühlestrasse 130

Outside activities
Abt. Beratung Prof.
Binzmühlestrasse 130