Your starting phase

To help you prepare for your new role at ETH, please take a look at our "New Faculty Timeline Guide".

Professors who are either EU or EFTA citizens (excluding EU2-countries) can enter Switzerland after their appointment without having to report their entry or apply for a visa beforehand. Nevertheless, they have to register their change of residence in person (adults) in the district office (Personenmeldeamt ) city of Zurichor at the residents’ registration office of their place of residence (communities) within 14 days after moving to Switzerland.

Professors from third countries and EU2-countries need a visa in order to enter and work in Switzerland. We will get in touch with you timely before you take up office at ETH Zurich in order to put together all the necessary documents.

Professors appointed by the ETH Board receive the settlement permit (permit C). Spouses and children under the age of twelve receive the same permit. Children over the age of twelve receive the residence permit (permit B). 

Professors from third countries and EU2-countries receive the permit in credit card format (biometric card), which also includes the Schengen visa. This means that you can travel freely throughout the Schengen zone with your passport and your aliens permit. Should you accidentally receive a permit B from the district office or the residents’ registration office, please let us know, so that we can take all the necessary steps to correct this mistake.

Shortly before taking up office, you will receive your user name and password (nethz user data) for your computer as well as your personal email address.


Marquita Brillante

Abt. Beratung Prof.
Binzmühlestrasse 130
8092 Zürich

Marquita Brillante
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