Insurance and pension

The Swiss pension and social security system is something of a success story. It offers individuals and families living and working in Switzerland extensive protection against risks whose financial consequences they would be unable to cope with on their own. The system is broken down into individual forms of insurance providing benefits such as pensions, compensation for loss of earnings and family allowances or covering the costs associated with sickness and accidents.
As a basic principle, each person resident in Switzerland as well as employers such as ETH Zurich are covered by the Swiss insurance system. Insurance policies are either taken out through the employer or on a private basis as an individual or family.
ETH Zurich employees are insured against the consequences of accidents, invalidity and unemployment under their contract of employment. Insurance contributions are split equally between employee and employer.
Health insurance is mandatory for all persons resident in Switzerland and must be taken out on a private basis.
Our salary calculator can help you calculate the social security contributions that will be deducted from your salary.