From the beginning of 2018, ETH will switch completely to white recycled paper. This is a multiple benefit: The step reduces the burden on the environment, is cost-effective and meets high quality standards.

From the beginning of 2018, ETH will switch completely to white recycled paper. There are multiple benefits: The step reduces the burden on the environment, is cost-effective and meets high quality standards. Even in times of "online first", you can't do without printed materials in the office. Both the quantity and diversity of paper consumed at ETH Zurich is considerable. Today, grey recycled paper, bright white paper and, more recently, white recycled paper are offered.

It is therefore worth taking a look if there is the possibility of increasing efficiency and sustainability in paper purchasing. One such opportunity is now available: the supply contract with ETH Zurich's current paper supplier expires in mid-2018. For the invitation to tender for the new contract, the university adheres to the recommendation of the Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics and will in future offer exclusively white, particularly environmentally and climate-friendly paper under the "Balance Classic" brand.

Enlarged view: Diagram paper usage
The optimisations resulting from the switch to the new recycled paper are not only ecological but also financial in nature. (Graphic: ETH Zurich)

Grey was yesterday

"I am glad about this focus on one type of paper, because it makes ecological and economic sense," says Christian Mimj?hner, Head of Print and Publish at ETH Zurich and confronted with the largest amounts of paper at ETH Zurich. In addition, there was no loss of quality. "The days when recycled paper was necessarily grey to brown are over. Today, you can exclusively use white paper in good conscience. Already today, we at ETH print successfully with Balance Classic paper on various production systems."

Transition period until February 2018

Christian Mimj?hner adds that it is also positive that with this step ETH Zurich is fulfilling the federal government's demands in terms of sustainability and environmental protection and thus plays a certain pioneering role. There is a transitional period for the conversion; existing stocks of expiring paper types are expected to be available until February 2018.

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