International Student Associations
Student Associations contribute to a diverse and rich international culture at ETH Zurich and offer the possibility to connect with other students.

The lists below are for the information of students and other interested persons and are not conclusive. An entry in the lists does not signify official recognition of an organisation by ETH Zurich.
- externe Seite call_made ACIS - Asociación Colombiana de Investigadores en Suiza
- externe Seite call_made ACSSZ - Association of Chinese Students and Scholars in Zurich
- chevron_right AFrEZ - Association francophone des étudiants de Zurich
- externe Seite call_made AIRIcerca - Associazione internazionale dei Ricercatori Italiani
- externe Seite call_made ARICH - Asocia?ia Studen?ilor Rom?ni ?n Elve?ia
- externe Seite call_made ASAS - Afghan Students Association Switzerland
- externe Seite call_made ASAZ - African Students Association of Zurich
- externe Seite call_made B.A.S.S. - Belgian Association for Students in Switzerland
- externe Seite call_made HSAZ - Hellenic Student Association of Zurich
- externe Seite call_made ICES - Investigadores Chilenos en Suiza
- chevron_right InSAZ - Indian Students Association Zurich
- externe Seite call_made IranSAZ - Iranian Student Association at ETH / University of Zurich
- externe Seite call_made IRSAZ - Iranian Scholars and Academics in Zurich
- externe Seite call_made K?S - ?sterreicherklub
- chevron_right KSAE - Korean Student Association at ETH Zurich
- externe Seite call_made LSVZ - Asociación Latina de Estudiantes en Zurich
- externe Seite call_made LSZ - Luxemburger Students
- externe Seite call_made Nordiska Roddf?reningen i Zürich
- externe Seite call_made PAKSAS - Pakistani Students Association
- chevron_right SCHWUNG - Schweizer Verein Ungarischer Studierenden (Hungary)
- externe Seite call_made Shoqata Studenti - Albanischer Studierendenverein Zürich
- externe Seite call_made Taiwanese Student Association in Switzerland
- externe Seite call_made TaVS - Tamilischer Verein der Studierenden
- externe Seite call_made Turkuaz - Intellectual Thinking and Exchange Platform for Topics around Turkey and Relating Countries
- externe Seite call_made UASAZ - Ukrainian Association of Students and Academics in Zurich
- externe Seite call_made VSS - Verein Serbischer Studierenden
- externe Seite call_made ZARS - Zürcher Assoziation der Russischsprachigen Studierenden
- externe Seite call_made ZHS? - Croatian Student Association
- externe Seite call_made ZIGSS - Zurich Italian Graduate Student Society
Find out how Ninad Chitnis, international student at ETH, experienced a real culture shock when he got started in Zurich:
Download How International Students Can Feel at Home (PDF, 167 KB) and Download When a Foreigner Moves to Switzerland (PDF, 167 KB)
- externe Seite call_made AIESEC - Association for Internships
- externe Seite call_made Discovery Semester
- externe Seite call_made EESTEC - Electrical Engineering Students' European Association
- externe Seite call_made ESN - Erasmus Student Network
- externe Seite call_made ETH MUN - ETH Model United Nations
- chevron_right IAAS - International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences
- externe Seite call_made IAESTE - International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience
- externe Seite call_made iCafé - Christian International Students and Academics
- externe Seite call_made IEEE Student Branch at ETH Zurich
- externe Seite call_made IngOG - Engineers Without Borders Switzerland
- externe Seite call_made MSAZ - Muslim Students Association Zurich
- externe Seite call_made SiROP - Students in Research Opportunities Program
- externe Seite call_made Students Across Borders
- externe Seite call_made YSN - Young Scientist Network