IT student services
The IT Services "Informatikdienste" offer all registered ETH students, auditors, and special students the following free basic IT services:

- ETH user account
- mailbox with 1 GB memory
- ETH-wide available personal home directory with 5 GB disk space
- personal ETH webpage for scholastic work
- polybox with 50 GB "dropbox"-similar on campus storage
- IT shop with software for free (only for enrolled students)
- computer rooms equipped with Office, web, programming tools, mathematical software
- access to the ETH network and the internet on campus internet via Wi-Fi or cable
- Virtual Private Network (VPN) for off-campus access to ETH network
Information for a successful start in the IT world at ETH: First steps
Leaving ETH
Leaving ETH, your IT services will have different expiration dates.
Email, home directory, and website are valid until five months after departure before being deleted. Other services have a shorter validity. You will receive an email prior to expiration.
For a more exact timeline please consult "Self-Service > Display summary (User overview)" at