SEMP Europe Projects & Traineeships
The Swiss-?European Mobility Program (SEMP) supports projects and traineeships in Europe.

- The traineeship or project must be part of the degree programme.
- The duration of the funding depends on the academic year.
- 2024/25: 2 to 12 months (360 days) of your project or traineeship can be funded via SEMP Projects & Traineeships.
- 2025/26: 2 to 6 months (180 days) of your project or traineeship can be funded via SEMP Projects & Traineeships (Europe and worldwide). Regardless of this maximum funding, your stay can last 12 months.
- 2025/26: A maximum of 6 months (180 days) per study level (Bachelor / Master) can be funded via SEMP projects & traineeships.
- A maximum of 12 months (360 days) per study level (Bachelor / Master) can be funded with SEMP scholarships (including SEMP SMS). It is, therefore, possible to apply multiple times, provided the applications are submitted at different study levels and the maximum possible funding period per study level has not yet been reached.
- Traineeships funded and supervised by other traineeship organisations (e.g. IAESTE) cannot be additionally funded via SEMP Projects & Traineeships.
- If you receive remuneration from your employer, this including the scholarship may not exceed CHF 2,000 per month.
- Internships or projects have to be conducted full-time (in accordance with the labour law of the host destination).
The projects and traineeships are organised independently by the students who may choose the host organisation freely (a company, research institute). The host organisation must be located in one of the SEMP Erasmus+ programme countries.
If you are doing an internship or project at a partner university, please clarify with the Student Exchange Office at an early stage whether you can be nominated as an exchange student. The prerequisite for this is that you can meet the regular application deadlines for SEMP SMS.
The amount of the scholarship depends on the exact duration (in days): The monthly scholarship (30 days) is 440 Swiss francs.
After your application has been reviewed, you will receive a scholarship award, provided that sufficient funds are still available. Scholarship funds are awarded according to the date of receipt of the complete (!) application. The Student Exchange Office can provide information on the availability of scholarship funds.
You can apply for a top-up for an environmentally friendly travel method.
Studying with a disability
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ETH is committed to sustainability. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions caused by business trips and excursions of ETH members is one of our main goals. We therefore encourage all exchange students travelling to European destinations to choose an environmentally friendly means of transport.
You can apply for a grant of 100 Swiss francs for travel to and from ETH by train, bus and / or ferry if you are going abroad within a European exchange programme. The grant will be added to the normal scholarship rate with the final payment.
The prerequisite is that the travel receipts for the outbound or inbound journey are uploaded to Mobility-?Online at the end of your mobility. (Only upload the receipts for one journey). The receipt must contain your name, date of travel and the departure and arrival location.
- Download vertical_align_bottom Compare travel duration and CO2 reduction if you travel by train instead of by air travel (PNG, 918 KB)
- external page call_made Hear from students who travelled environmentally friendly from and to their exchange destination
- chevron_right Tip: Launch travel groups with other fellow students at the "Get ready to go" event
- external page call_made Get tips for planning your environmental friendly travel to your exchange destination from Movetia
- external page call_made Learn about the Interrail Pass
- external page call_made Get more tips from Green Erasmus
No language test is required but it is the students' personal responsibility to make sure that their knowledge of the foreign language is sufficient. The host organisation (company or university) rightfully expects students to understand and use its everyday and working languages.
Once we have confirmed your application, you will receive an informal language certification (English language level C1) if you have declared an adequate level of English. It is your responsibility to check with your host institution if you must submit a different language certificate (or certification) and to make sure that you can do so in due time.
You have to inquire directly with the host institution what status you will receive there and what the conditions and required documents are.
You need to discuss your plans with your departmental exchange coordinator or your traineeship coordinator (if applicable) before you submit your application.
University College London (UCL)
If you intend to conduct research work, you must contact the respective department and apply for a visitor status at UCL.
Further information
chevron_right Get more notesYou must submit the complete application at least two months before the start of the project or traineeship. Follow the instructions for your application.
ETH Zurich reserves the right to exclude students from future student mobility programmes if they withdraw from a planned mobility without sufficient grounds for doing so (examination failure, illness, accident).