Non-European programme (worldwide)

ETH Zurich has an extensive network of partner universities outside of Europe.

Availability of exchange places

On the country pages, you will find indicators of the competition and tips on how to leverage them for your application.


You can take part in a worldwide exchange programme for one semester.

Partner universities

The partner university detail pages include criteria that may be difficult to assess, which is why they are explained here. The university's requirements are binding and non-negotiable.

By the way, not only the factors listed below are relevant. These are merely the more complex criteria that have a strong impact on your exchange plans. Read all the detailed information on the universities (e.g. higher grade requirements in some cases) and all the university websites linked there.

Course selection

  • Some universities impose strict restrictions on the courses open to exchange students (e.g. only certain courses available, prerequisites, special requirements for specific schools / faculties). Pay particular attention to restrictions regarding study levels (Bachelor / undergraduate vs. Master / graduate / postgraduate).
  • Master's / graduate / postgraduate programmes differ in whether proof of a Bachelor's degree is required when it must be submitted and in what form (e.g. transcript of records with 180 ECTS or an official Bachelor's academic record).
  • Check whether you can create a reasonable study plan creditable at ETH, considering all restrictions and requirements.
  • If you indicate flexibility for the exchange semester in the ETH-wide programmes, you must meet the conditions for both semesters.

Academic calendar and examination planning

Special case: Change of degree programme

You change your degree programme at ETH between the time of application and the exchange.

  • Early on, check with the Student Exchange Office whether an exchange is contractually possible, and with the departmental exchange coordinators from both your current and future degree programmes whether they support the exchange.
  • The change may affect credit transfer, the timing of the exchange, grade requirements, etc. Clarify how the change will impact your course selection at the partner university.
  • Once the change is finalised, you must immediately inform the Student Exchange Office.

To the country pages and the partner universities

  • Open the overview and get to know the universities

Language requirements

Many partner universities require a language certificate. 

  • Check which partner university requires what


You will receive CHF 2,000 per semester.

No additional application is required for this scholarship. You will receive the scholarship contract by email in due course.

Projects / papers / theses

Only smaller projects, up to a maximum of 10 credit points, in combination with courses are permitted, provided the partner university allows this.

Other programmes

  • See the other programmes


  • Process of student mobility
  • FAQ for quick answers
  • Email to the Student Exchange Office (outgoing team)
  • Desk of the Student Exchange Office
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