Exchange as a learning process and self-assessment

The decision for an exchange is linked to reflection on personal goals, motivation and future plans.

Phase 1: Decision-making

By exploring the factors that matter to you, you will gain valuable insights into different countries and universities.


What is important to me for my studies, my professional future and my well-being? How do I want to grow professionally and personally?

  • Academic: All partner universities fulfil a basic quality requirement, but there are gradations. Which academic qualities are important to me? High ranking (primarily statement on research)? Innovative teaching methods? Lots of team and project work? Small groups, lots of personal contact with lecturers? Very wide range of courses? Strong selection or high entry barriers for local students? Academic network for later project work or research? Private sector network (company fairs, spin-offs, etc.) for research or traineeships later on?
  • Language: The knowledge of the language(s) of instruction will improve anyway. Do I want to learn or improve another language? Study mainly or entirely in English – or also in another language?
  • Surroundings: Big city, student city or campus university? Nature experience or a wide range of cultural activities? Active student organisations and university traditions? Distance to friends and family? Accommodation options? Sports facilities? Cost of living?
  • Sustainability: Should the exchange take place within or outside Europe? How can I organise my arrival and departure in a sustainable way (flight, train, etc.)? How will I get from my accommodation to the campus? How good is the local public transport? How do the countries, universities and accommodation differ in terms of their sustainability programmes and activities?


  • Websites Student Exchange Office, department, partner university
  • Search portal of Mobility-Online [LINK ABKOMMENSSUCHE]
  • Greener Mobility IRO Kit
  • Green Erasmus
  • Outgoing team of the Student Exchange Office mailto:
  • Departmental exchange coordinator MV-Kontakt-Seite
  • Lecturers, fellow students


Phase 2: Application

You gain a clearer understanding of your goals, aspirations, strengths, and areas for improvement.


  • What goals do I want to achieve during the exchange?
  • What resources are available to help me reach them? What motivates me to take part in the exchange?
  • Which skills can I develop or strengthen through the exchange?
  • What key factors matter most when choosing the destination?
  • How will I prepare for the exchange – academically, linguistically, and personally?


  • Create an overview (list, mind map, mood board, etc.)
  • Study plan


Phase 3: After the exchange

Reflecting on your experience helps you recognise your achievements, understand how you have grown, and determine how to apply what you have learned in the future.


  • What goals have I achieved?
  • What have I learned, both professionally and personally?
  • Which experiences have left a positive or negative impression on me?
  • How have I grown and changed personally during my exchange?
  • Has my perception of ETH and Switzerland evolved, and if so, how?
  • Are there any insights from my exchange semester that I want to revisit and pursue further?
  • What advice or insights would I like to share with future exchange students?
  • What would I repeat, and what would I do differently during my next academic or professional stay abroad?
  • Which relationships and friendships formed during my exchange would I like to continue nurturing?


  • Review the overview created for phase 2
  • Write your study report [LINK: R?CKKEHR, STUDIENBERICHT]
  • Share your personal experiences at the Informarkt and "Get Ready to Go" event [LINKS EINF?GEN]
  • Get involved with the Erasmus Student Network
  • Actively nurture the friendships and connections made during the exchange
  • Take advantage of the services offered by the Career Centre /students/en/careers/Startseite_CareerCenter.html

Decision-making support

  • Get more tips
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