6. Preparation of the stay

The time before your departure should be dedicated to ensuring the success of the exchange.


Academic performance

If your performance drops massively below the required grade average after you have been accepted, you must inform the Student Exchange Office and your departmental exchange coordinator.

  • Check the required grade averages

Entry into host country

  • Check which entry documents are required and ensure you have them and their validity for the entire duration of your exchange.
  • If a visa is needed, ensure you obtain it well in advance.


  • Enrol regularly in myStudies yourself, ensuring your status will be "mobility studies".
  • Do not enter leave of absence.
  • If needed, the Registrar's Office will provide information regarding semester enrolment and the transition to the Master's degree programme.

LINKS /students/en/studies/administrative/semester-enrolment.html & /students/en/studies/administrative/uebertritt-bachelor-master.html

Tuition fees

  • You must pay the semester invoice at ETH during your exchange.
  • The partner university waives tuition fees.

Study plan

  • Your study plan and any changes to it will be approved by your departmental exchange coordinator.
  • You may need to update your study plan at the start of your exchange or shortly after, for which you will receive an email. The study plan in Mobility-Online must reflect your actual course choices.

Follow the guidelines for the study plan


Learning agreement

In general

  • The learning agreement is based on your study plan.
  • You will receive the learning agreement from the Student Exchange Office by email.
  • For exchanges at a Swiss or non-European partner university: If your department requires you to sign the document and have it signed by the partner university, they will inform you accordingly.
  • For exchanges at a European partner university: You must sign the document and have it signed by the partner university, then upload the signed document to Mobility-Online.

Departmental learning agreement / tutor agreement

  • For certain degree programmes, study plans and credit transfers must be agreed upon with lecturers and tutors. In such cases, a separate learning agreement or tutor agreement will be required (either within myStudies or as a separate document).
  • If this internal document is necessary, you will be notified by your department. You must use both documents; the programme-specific agreement does not replace the Student Exchange Office's learning agreement, nor vice versa.


In the host country

  • Most partner universities assist exchange students in finding accommodation.
  • Check directly with your host university for details on procedures and deadlines.

Subletting during your exchange

  • Consider what you would like to do with your room or flat while you are away.
  • You can place a free advertisement for subletting through the University of Zurich and ETH’s accommodation service.

List your room or flat for subletting


Swiss and European partner universities

If you have expressed interest in a room swap in Mobility-Online after being allocated a partner university, the Student Exchange Office will contact you in due time.


  • You are responsible for your insurance coverage during the exchange.
  • Ask your insurance company about the cover provided by existing insurance policies and about any additional travel insurance etc. you may need. 
  • The staff of the Vice President Finance & Controlling provides information on travel insurance.

Inform yourself about travel insurance at ETH

[LINK: /staffnet/en/finance-and-controlling/travel/business-traven-insurance.html]

Travel advice by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)

  • Read the travel advice [https://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/fdfa/representations-and-travel-advice/travel-advice/reisehinweise-kurzerklaert.html]

Vaccination protection

Ensure your vaccinations are up to date, especially if you are travelling to tropical regions [https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/gesund-leben/gesundheitsfoerderung-und-praevention/impfungen-prophylaxe/reiseimpfungen.html]

Language certificate (if applicable)

If you need a language certificate for your partner university or your visa and have not yet submitted it, you must do so as soon as possible.  

Studying with a disability (if applicable)

In general

Reach out to your partner university early for guidance on the necessary processes. This is especially important for special learning and examination arrangements and accommodation options.

Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP)

If you have a special need, you can apply for additional funding to help cover extra costs. To do so, contact the Student Exchange Office at least four months before your exchange.

Withdrawal of the application or cancellation of the exchange (if applicable)

Inform the Student Exchange Office immediately if you will not be participating in the exchange or will be breaking it off early.

  • See the consequences
    [ANKERLINK: /studierende/de/studium/auswaerts-studieren/update-2026/semester/bedingungen/zentral.html#rueckzug-abbruch]
  • Contact us [LINK: TEAMSEITE]

Registration of projects / papers / theses (if applicable)

Once your project has been approved via the study plan in Mobility-Online, you must:

  • Ensure there are no scheduling conflicts (e.g. a presentation overlapping with ETH exams).
  • Register the project in myStudies. (Contact your Study Administration for any questions about the correct registration.)
  • Check with the partner university regarding their registration requirements and procedures.




Check your options

Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme

These scholarships will be suspended during the exchange.

Get ready to go! (event)

You will have the opportunity to meet fellow students who are also preparing for an exchange or have already completed one. At the event, you can network, form travel groups, and benefit from the firsthand experiences of others.

  • Save the date

Study reports from other students

The study reports provide valuable insights into partner universities, including their academic programmes, campus life, housing market, leisure activities, and more.

  • Learn more

Language courses

If you have little or no knowledge of your host country’s language, it is advisable to start learning it.

  • Explore the courses offered by the Language Center

Many partner universities organise language courses before the semester start. If you are interested, check directly with them to see which courses are available.


  • Compare the journey time and CO2 reduction when travelling by train instead of by plane
    Form a travel group with other exchange students
    Hear from students who travelled environmentally friendly from and to their exchange destination
    Get tips for your environmentally friendly journey
    Get to know the Interrail Pass
    Get more tips from Green Erasmus

"Culture shock"

Learn how to recognise, avoid and deal with ‘culture shock’

Study abroad fair at partner university (if applicable)

Your partner university may invite you to an event where students can learn about their exchange opportunities – one of which is ETH. You are welcome to share your experiences if you wish.

  • Use the ambassador information

Next step

7. Returning to ETH Zurich


  • Process of student mobility
  • FAQ for quick answers
  • Email to the Student Exchange Office (outgoing team)
  • Desk of the Student Exchange Office
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