Explore ETH startups and success stories

ETH spin-offs and Pioneer Fellow portraits
Pioneer Fellow Betim Djambazi and Pascal Auf der Maur
external page RoBoa
The robotic revolution to save disaster victims and inspect confined spaces!

Pioneer Fellow Lukas Bircher
external page TALPA Inspection
Innovative inspection method for cantilever retaining walls

Pioneer Fellow Carolina Paganini
Checktor Biosciences
Fighting drug resistance with point-of-care tests

Pioneer Fellows Pascal Buholzer & Bernhard Winter
external page Scewo
A stair climbing wheelchair

Nicole Kleger, Simona Fehlmann (left to right)
Add the third dimension to cells.
ETH spin-off external page qCella
Reshape Heating
ETH spin-off external page CustomSurg AG
Building the metaverse of orthopaedic implants
Pioneer Fellows Julian Senoner (co-?founder), Bernhard Kratzwald (Pioneer Fellow) left to right
Proactive Quality Management

Pioneer Fellow Lukas Boeni
external page planted
Advanced plant protein texturization for ‘beyond meat products’ from sustainable protein sources

Jonas Wuest and Pragash Sivananthaguru (left to right)
Tethys Robotics
Enable search, recovery and inspection missions in all waters

ETH spin-off (Pioneer Fellow Alumni) external page Anevo
Energy Data Made Simple
Video impressions from ETH founders

ETH Entrepreneurship
What does ETH offer for entrepreneurs?

external page BreezeLabs
A new way to track sports performance.

Laser-?based weeding robot.

Ariya Bio
Reactivating fetal haemoglobin in B-?Haemoglobinopathy patients.

external page MindMetrix
A mobile tool to enhance a user’s performance and well being.

external page VAY
Human motion analysis for fitness and health.

Conductive skin device for power transfer to life-?saving implants.

external page Biosimo
Sustainable chemicals for a greener future.

external page Digit Soil
A rapid measurement of soil health.

external page diaxxo AG
Real-?time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) (former peakPCR).

external page Planted
Our goal is to develop plant-based products that are perfectly tailored to consumer needs through culinary as well as scientific know-how and innovation.