Subject-related preparation
Your academic high school education has prepared you well for your ETH studies. However, if you have taken a long break before your studies we recommend brushing up on your subject knowledge.

Starting classes prepared
Many factors will make the start to your studies a success. The most important are enthusiasm for your subject, independent working methods, discipline and up-to-date remembrance of what you learned at school.
Brushing up on working methods and subject knowledge
Is it a while since you completed your Matura or school-leaving qualification? Would you like to brush up on a theme or two, or on working methods?
You will have to get used to structuring your working week yourself, and will have to find a study rhythm quickly. Help is available! For a start, we recommend the following books (all in German):
- Krengel, Martin (2012): Der Studi-Survival-Guide. Erfolgreich und gelassen durchs Studium. 4. Auflage. Uni-Edition. Berlin.
- Steiner, Verena (2011): Lernpower. Effizienter, kompetenter und lustvoller lernen. Die besten Strategien für Studium und Weiterbildung. Pendo Verlag. München.
- Metzger, Christoph (2015): Lern- und Arbeitsstrategien. Ein Fachbuch für Studierende. Cornelsen Verlag. Berlin.
- Heister, Werner et al. (2007): Studieren mit Erfolg. Prüfungen meistern. Sch?ffer-Poeschel. Stuttgart.
Bachelor’s degree teaching continues on from the knowledge required for the Swiss Matura. If you need to, take another look at the Matura material and brush up on it by yourself. Important subjects will be:
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
The following link provides you with an overview what the requirements for the reduced entrance examination are (intended for people who do not hold a Swiss qualification (e.g. the Matura).
Ways to brush up on your school subjects
ETH Zurich offers a few ways to brush up on your school subjects:
Language skills in German and English
Language requirements during Bachelor’s degree studies
The main teaching language in all Bachelor’s degree programmes is German. However, solid knowledge of English is essential. Depending on the degree programme, lectures are also held in English from the second or third year of studies. During your studies you will gradually become familiar with the terminology of your field and in this way get used to English as a teaching language.
Language requirements during Master’s degree studies
Nearly all Master’s degree programmes are taught solely in English.
The main thing is to start fresh!
Start your first semester at ETH Zurich feeling fresh and relaxed! If you don’t have much free time before starting your studies, consciously plan a break and use your free time to gather your energy.