Refresh your mathematical knowledge
Do you still have your school mathematics material? Test your knowledge and brush up on mathematics topics.

Self-assessment test and bridging course
ETH Zurich offers two ways for you to refresh your basic mathematical knowledge.
- Download Self-assessment in mathematics (in German) (PDF, 1.1 MB)
You can take this test independently using pencil and paper.
- ETH Zurich bridging course in mathematics (in German)
You can work through this online bridging course on your own.- Determine your current knowledge of school-level mathematics by taking an self-assessment test. With the help of exercises, you can then revise selected topics and close any gaps.
- Access to the online bridging course is restricted to persons registered to begin their ETHZ studies in the next Autumn Semester.
- Personalised login details for the bridging course will be sent out by email in August. The email will go to the address you entered when you registered for your studies.
Do you have questions regarding ETH Zurich bridging course in mathematics? Contact us via contact form.