Competencies Icons
This page describes how to use the competencies icons.

The Competencies Icons are a graphical display of the competencies listed in the ETH Competence Framework. Each icon represents a specific framework competency and is available in two versions (positive and negative).
Competencies Icons - Meaning
The competencies icons are designed in the colours of the related competency domains.
- ETH Blue is for the Subject-specific Competencies
- ETH Bronze is used for the Method-specific Competencies
- ETH Green is used for displaying the Social Competencies
- ETH Purple represents the Personal Competencies.
The pictogrammes contained in the icons represent a specific competency. Here below, you find the competencies icons and their corresponding meaning.
DOs and DON'Ts about the Competencies Icons
You can
- Use positive and negative icons for animation purposes (e.g., switch from positive to negative upon clicking on an icon) but icons must be displayed using either the positive or the negative versions as the default representation
- Use a selection of icons in your visuals
- Use the icons in their original colours and shapes
- Display multiple icons in your visuals as long as each icon has the same size (i.e., your message does not imply any hierarchy among competencies)
You cannot
- Use icons to convey a different meaning than the one for which they have been designed (see meanings listed above)
- Alter the icons' pictogrammes as the icons have a specific meaning
- Alter the icons' colours as they represent a specific competency colour
- Alter the icons' shape as the round shape guarantees higher accessibility to the design
- Display an icon without the mention of the competency it represents
- Display the icons without an explicit mention to the ETH Competence Framework
- Use the icons outside an ETH corporate design template: The ETH Zurich logo must be visible in the same visual
- Add text or any other design element to the icons
Implementation Examples

On myPath, the competencies icons are used as labels to indicate the competencies fostered in the extra-curricular activities.

The competencies icons are used as menu buttons on Competence View to help lecturers find examples of courses fostering specific competencies.
Curriculum and Faculty Development
Rector's Staff
Strategic Initiatives