Events organized by ETH Diversity
We are looking forward to inspiring events in the new year and will keep you updated on upcoming activities here.
Every Tuesday March-April 2025 - Workshop Series GenTec 2025

This interdisciplinary workshop series delves into the ways gender and technology interact within contemporary society. With a focus on feminist perspectives and empirical research, we will examine different forms of technologies and their interaction or impact on gender, race, class, among others. Organized by SWiSH, in collaboration with CSNOW, the Digital Society Initiative (DSI), and ETH Diversity. More information and registration
10.04.2025 - Diversity in Cyber Security (EN)

Why everyone needs a seat at the table - The event is organized by external page ETH Cyber Group and ETH Diversity. 6.30 - 8.30 p.m. I HG E41, ETH Zurich
10.04.2025 - Mit Familie an der ETH Zürich (DE)

Human Resources, SGU – Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Umwelt, die Stiftung kihz (Kinderbetreuung im Hochschulraum Zürich) sowie ETH Diversity geben bei dieser Info-Veranstaltung einen ?berblick über alle Angebote der ETH Zürich zum Thema Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf/Studium. Anmeldung
08.05.2025 - With family at ETH (EN)

At this informational event Human Resources, SSHE – Safety, Security, Health and Environment department, the kihz Foundation (Childcare in the University Area of Zurich) and ETH Diversity will provide an overview of all the services ETH Zurich is offering their members for a better reconciliation of family and career/studies. Registration
13.05.2025 - Zwischen Beruf und Betreuung – Wenn Angeh?rige Hilfe brauchen (DE)

Die Balance zwischen der Fürsorge bzw. Betreuung für/von kranken, pflegebedürftigen oder betagten Angeh?rigen sowie Familienmitgliedern mit Behinderung und den Anforderungen des Berufs stellt für viele Menschen eine grosse Herausforderung dar. Diese Onlineveranstaltung soll fundierte Informationen und Hilfestellungen bieten, um für den Fall der F?lle gewappnet zu sein und eine bessere Vereinbarkeit zu erreichen. Jetzt anmelden
15.05.2025 - Career-building programmes for women scientists (EN)

At this informational event the project coordinators of the following five programmes will give you an overview of the different offerings in their programmes: CONNECT – Connecting women’s careers in academia and industry, Réseau romand de mentoring pour femmes, REGARD, feminno and Foster. Lead. Promote. external page Register here
17.06.2025 - Between work and care - When relatives need help (EN)

Balancing the care and support of sick, elderly, dependent, or disabled relatives with the demands of a professional career is a major challenge for many people. This online event aims to provide well-founded information and practical guidance to help participants be prepared for such situations and achieve a better balance. Register here
Staying up to date?!
More current events and news on diversity topics can be found on our external external page LinkedIn channel. If you would like us to share an event, please send us an email at with all the details.
Events offered by other ETH units
Communication Academy

Write comprehensibly about research, present results compellingly and present a confident image to the media: Corporate Communications share knowledge about science communication through a series of courses and webinars.
Continuing education

With its portfolio of courses and continuing education, ETH Zurich offers a broad range of opportunities to promote the leadership, technical, methodological and social skills of the employees and students.
Career Events und Networking

Every semester the Career Center as well as some students organisations offer multiple possibilities to get to know numerous companies on campus or virtually, to get a better idea of career entry opportunities and to extend the own network.
Health and work

The health of its employees is an important concern for ETH Zurich. Twice a year, the VPPL department offers lunchtime events on various topics (e.g. burnout prophylaxis).
Guides for "Sustainable and Inclusive Events"

ETH members organise more than 3000 events every year. The new guides for "Sustainable and Inclusive Events" support organisers of ETH events in making a contribution to the climate goals of ETH Zurich and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They include measures on environmental aspects, diversity and accessibility.
Diversity Balanced Events
Are you organizing events and looking for inspiration on how to make them more inclusive and diverse? Have a look at our Checklist for Diversity Balanced Events.