
Whether you are expecting a baby and have a few questions about your rights and duties as an employee and expectant mother, or you are a supervisor who wants to find out about the rules and regulations that are in place at ETH Zurich, you will find a summary of the most important information here. If you have a specific question, the following points of contact are best placed to help you:
Your HR Partner would be happy to help if you have any questions or concerns about employment matters.
The Safety, Security, Health and Environment (SSHE) is the point of contact for health protection of pregnant or breastfeeding employees. Find further information at maternity protection.
Hello Kids! is the service point for childcare. They will help you to find suitable childcare options.
ETH Diversity is committed to ensuring that everyone at ETH Zurich enjoys studying, researching and working successfully. The office supports a good compatibility of studies or career and care responsibilities at ETH Zurich and offers, among other things, workshops for parents.