Coordinated procurement in the ETH Domain and with the University of Zurich (referred to as "KoBe ETH+") is intended to exploit procurement synergies, exert influence on procurement projects and advance the professionalisation of procurement in compliance with the legal requirements of procurement law. The initiative emerged in 2003 from the "New Generation Procurement in the ETH Domain" project.
Mission Statement
The institutions of the ETH Domain and the University of Zurich actively support KoBe ETH+ projects and integrate these projects into ongoing procurement projects.
KoBe ETH+ develops a short- and medium-term procurement strategy and communicates it to the individual institutions via the steering committee.
KoBe ETH+ defines the negotiation strategy and its objectives for procurement projects. It implements supplier management and uses framework agreements and terms and conditions to achieve the best conditions for the institutions.
The regular exchange of information at steering committee and focus team level ensures the exchange of information. The members of the steering committee ensure the flow of information into their units and integrate the procurement targets into their unit. For its part, the Focus Team ensures the exchange of information at ERFA group and lead buyer level.
KoBe ETH+ is managed by a steering committee. The Steering Committee has drawn up a set of regulations and thus laid down the tasks and responsibilities in writing.
The Steering Committee is responsible for defining the scope of duties and for the operational and strategic management of the KoBe ETH+ organisation. Coordinated procurement in the ETH Domain + Partners consists of the following units (members): ETH Zurich, EPFL Lausanne, the research institutes EMPA, EAWAG, PSI and WSL as well as the partner University of Zurich.
The members of the steering committee are:
- Stefan Spiegel, ETHZ (lead)
- Fran?ois Chapuis, UZH
- Matthias G?umann, EPFL
- Urs Leemann, EMPA
- Frank Behner, PSI
The focus team is made up of one procurement representative from the two ETH universities as well as the research institutes of the ETH Domain and the University of Zurich.
The focus team implements the annual business cycle, the focus of work and the goals, which are set by the steering committee. The Focus Team ensures a good exchange of experience, develops synergies and implements operational procurement goals.
Information and interesting facts from procurement, the institutions involved and the federal procurement conference are being exchanged.
The activities of the experience groups are also discussed and, if necessary, coordinated.
Members of the focus team
- André Baumgartner, ETHZ (lead)
- Benjamin Künzler, PSI
- David Pisacane, EPFL
- René Kunz, UZH
- Herbert Kurmann, WSL
- Martin Oertig, EMPA
- Leo Vogt, EAWAG
Experience groups (ERFA) perform coordinating, supporting and executive tasks, although the material groups of the institutions are analysed for procurement potentials. Existing ERFA groups work on projects in the areas of large equipment, telephony, insurance and certain new ERFA groups can work on the area of service procurement (e.g. guarding, laundry, facility management, IT).
The groups are made up of the responsible persons from the individual institutions. The focus of the experience groups is on a regular exchange of information on important topics of strategic procurement within the material groups.
The tasks of the experience exchange groups are:
- General exchange of experience in purchasing for the respective product group
- Targeted exchange of information to support or improve operational purchasing decisions, e.g. ongoing negotiations, supplier conditions, good and bad purchasing experiences, etc.
- Conducting group-specific negotiations with suppliers for the entire ETH Domain to achieve uniform conditions (discounts, quality, additional services, etc.).
- Mutual support in case of significant problems with a supplier
- Preparation of proposals and applications for the attention of the focus team on procurement regarding the interface to the federal offices (federal procurement commission, federal procurement platforms, etc.) and overarching projects for the further optimisation of strategic procurement in the ETH Domain.
- Identification and, if necessary, elaboration of further training courses tailored to the specific requirements of purchasing in the respective product group
- Appropriate measurement of the satisfaction of the points of demand with the suppliers as well as the services of the purchasing departments in the respective product group.
The KoBe ETH+ procurement centres are listed below. The focus team includes representatives of these procurement agencies.
Purchasing Coordination ETH Zurich
external page Purchasing Department EPFL
external page Purchasing Department PSI

- external page call_made SIMAP.CH Information system public procurement in Switzerland
- external page call_made EU Tendering Plattform (TED)
- external page call_made BKB Procurement Conference of the Federal Government
- external page call_made Competence Center Procurement Federal Government KBB
- external page call_made Procure. ch - Professional Association for Purchasing and Supply Management
- external page call_made German Federal Assiciation for Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistic
- external page call_made KOMPASS - International B2B company directory
- external page call_made Who supplies what?
- external page call_made Education and training PERIMAP
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