Exhibition “Barrier-Free at ETH Zurich”
Welcome to the interactive exhibition “Barrier-Free at ETH Zurich” at H?nggerberg campus!
To ensure that the exhibition can be experienced by as many people as possible, we will describe the exhibited content on this website. Do you require additional support? In that case, the 365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投 Info team will be happy to help!
The exhibition is located at the 365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投 Info entrance area in the HIL building. Ten objects, fastened to square boards, are displayed on a height-adjustable table. You are welcome to pick up and touch these boards and objects. The rear side of the boards features a short text (see further below). The following introductory text is written on the wall above the table:
Barrier-?Free at ETH Zurich
ETH Zurich is committed to accessibility: over the course of the next few years, people with disabilities or people with special needs – whether students, lecturers, researchers, staff or visitors – should benefit from greatly improved access to ETH buildings and services. The cornerstone of the ETH-?wide implementation programme is the institutional approach to the issue and the development of an open and inclusive culture.
More information at: ethz.ch/barrier-free
The exhibition objects
There is a title on the table with the ten boards which reads “Let’s create. 1 programme, 3 categories, 14 sub-projects”. An explanation: the programme is called “Barrier-Free at ETH Zurich”. The three categories are “Construction, building use and architecture”, “Organisation and culture” and “Technology, communication and teaching”. The 14 sub-projects allocated to these three categories are briefly presented on the ten boards with the objects and texts.
The following ten objects are fastened to the boards. After every object description (photo with alternative text), you can read the text printed on the rear side.

Category “Construction, building use and architecture”
Sub-projects 1–4 ?Around the topic Construction?
Sub-projects 1 to 3 involve developing specialist knowledge about applicable legislation and standards, and the concept of “design for all”. In addition, a concept for accessibility compliance must be established for new buildings and large-scale renovations.
Sub-project 4 focuses on introducing periodic inspections to ensure barrier-free access to the buildings and barrier-free movement within the buildings.

Category "Construction, building use and architecture"
Sub-Project 5 “Implement signage concept”
Sub-project 5 focuses on general orientation to and within the building (rooms, floors, lifts, etc.). It will also ensure that accessible routes (e.g. ramps and lifts to avoid stairs) and routes to the information desks are adequately signposted. The signs are designed to be accessible, i.e. with high contrast (black/white) and with tactile raised lettering and Braille.

Category "Construction, building use and architecture"
Sub-project 6 “Overhaul alarm and evacuation concept”
In sub-project 6, alerting systems will be extended to include two sense perceptions (sight and hearing), and a concept for a barrier-free escape or evacuation will be developed, especially for people with restricted mobility.

Category "Construction, building use and architecture"
Sub-project 7 “Ensure events are barrier-free”
Sub-project 7 focuses on introducing barrier-free access as an obligatory criterion when authorising events. Information packages and services relating to the staging of accessible events will also be developed and made available. For example, barrier-free registration desks will be procured for events so that people in wheelchairs can be welcomed at eye level.

Category "Construction, building use and architecture"
Sub-project 9 (+8) “Adapt existing buildings”
In sub-project 9, all existing buildings will be adapted over the next 15 years in accordance with “design for all” and the SIA 500 “accessible buildings” standard.
Sub-project 8 focuses on implementing ad hoc measures that will enable ETH members with a disability or impairment to work or study. In the future, individual enquiries should dwindle or become redundant as a result of the structural improvements achieved in the sub-projects.

Category "Organisation and culture"
Sub-project 10 “Sensitization and program communication”
Sub-project 10 focuses on informing ETH members about the topic of “accessibility” and aiding their understanding of a barrier-free university through events and campaigns, as well as with forms of information like this interactive exhibition.
Action Days Rights of Persons with Disabilities / ETH Globe magazine

Category "Technology, communication and teaching"
Sub-project 11 “Ensure barrier-free communication”
In sub-project 11, the accessibility of the communication channels will be ensured. Guidelines will be developed, training carried out and the ETH website constantly reviewed. Some barrier-free public guided tours will be offered as well, for example.

Category "Technology, communication and teaching"
Sub-project 12 “Generate barrier-free guidance”
Sub-project 12 focuses on upgrading the ETH app to enable barrier-free orientation on campus and in the ETH Zurich buildings. The accessible guidance is also being revised on the ETH website.

Category "Technology, communication and teaching"
Sub-project 13 “Generate barrier-free teaching materials”
Sub-protect 13 involves developing and broadening specialist knowledge regarding accessible teaching materials. Guidelines and training concepts can be created on this basis. Existing teaching materials will be examined for accessibility and adapted where necessary. For example, videos of courses will be offered with subtitles in the future.

Category "Technology, communication and teaching"
Sub-project 14 “Offer barrier-free library media”
Sub-protect 14 involves developing and broadening specialist knowledge regarding accessible library media. Guidelines must be established for the procurement of new media. Employees of ETH libraries will also receive training and awareness courses. Barrier-free workplaces will also be set up in several libraries.