Personalized medicine – challenges and opportunities
In June 2016, the Competence Center Personalized Medicine UZH/ETZ and the IT'IS Foundation join forces to organize the Latsis Symposium ETH Zurich “Personalized medicine – challenges and opportunities”.

The Competence Center Personalized Medicine UZH/ETZ and the IT'IS Foundation with support from the International Latsis Foundation join forces to organize the Latsis Symposium ETH Zurich “Personalized medicine – challenges and opportunities”, to be held at the ETH Zurich, 27. – 29. June 2016.
During three days, experts in clinical research, biomedicine, bioengineering, and bioinformatics, medical image analysis, numerical and mathematical modeling, computational life sciences, and regulatory affairs will convene to share recent developments on topics from genomics and metabolomics to the in silico patient; identify challenges and synergies; and provide young researchers with a unique exposure to the diverse facets of personalized medicine.
The program will feature themed oral sessions with invited lectures, keynote addresses, and panel discussions followed by flash oral presentations, poster sessions, and networking for young scientists. The symposium will close with a public event.
Registration and further information
- Information about the 2016 Latsis Symposium ETH Zurich:
- Registration:
- Abstract submission:
- E-mail: .