The Lecturers’ Conference has a new President: Edoardo Mazza, a Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, will be taking over from Felicitas Pauss (D-PHYS).

Edoardo Mazza is the new President of the Lecturers’ Conference (KdL). The General Faculty Conference elected the Professor at the Institute of Mechanical Systems (D-MAVT) for a term of two years on 12 May 2016. Originally from Italy, Edoardo Mazza will assume the presidency of the Lecturer’s Conference on 1 August 2016.
On this date he will succeed Felicitas Pauss, who has been President of the Lecturers’ Conference from 2013. Pauss is a Professor of Experimental Particle Physics at the Institute for Particle Physics. She will be retiring at the end of July 2016. Her research activity has included pioneering work on high-energy accelerators, investigating the fundamental building blocks of matter. New initiatives introduced by the Lecturers’ Conference during her time as President include the KITE Award for innovative teaching concepts.
An engineer with a flair for medicine
Edoardo Mazza has been teaching and researching at ETH Zurich since 2002. He is also the head of the Department of Mechanics for Modeling and Simulation at Empa, the Materials Science and Technology research institute of the ETH Domain, and plays a leading role in the Zurich Heart medical project. His research activity has focused on continuum mechanics and its application to problems in medicine and energy systems. He uses pioneering experimental methods to understand the mechanisms in the deformation and failure of complex materials such as biological tissue or high-temperature materials and to describe these using mathematical models.
Edoardo Mazza has been a member of the Lecturers’ Conference since 2014 and a member of the ETH Zurich Teaching Commission since 2015. During his time teaching he was twice awarded the Golden Owl, the teaching award given by ETH Zurich’s students, once in 2006 and once in 2014.
The Lecturers’ Conference advises the Executive Board in all matters relating to the Lecturer’s Conference and its interests. It is one of the four university groups that represent lecturers, scientific staff, students and staff at ETH Zurich. The Lecturers’ Conference comprises the Rector, six members elected at the General Faculty Conference, and one representative for each department.