How to react in case of campus violence
Soon, the information event on how to react in case of campus violence will take place. Have you already registered? After the information event, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss with the experts at a sandwich lunch.

In 2015, ETH Zurich was home to 26,500 students, researchers, lecturers and employees, making the University almost a city unto itself. But far from being an ivory tower, the University’s size, diversity and openness give rise to the same challenges faced by any city, among them the issue of violence. Fortunately we have not experienced any incidents at ETH Zurich, but events around the world show that universities must be prepared for the possibility of campus violence. This raises the question of what you should do in case of an attack. It can also be helpful to know something about police procedures and the provisions that ETH Zurich has made for such incidents.
The Safety, Security, Health and Environment (SSHE) department has developed a security plan to protect members of the University during an act of campus violence. This includes the use of a tool to disseminate information and raise the alarm, installing special locks on doors, and putting up posters with information on what to do during an incident.
We are pleased to invite you to an information event on behalf of Professor Ulrich Weidmann, Vice President for Human Resources and Infrastructure. The event will give you the opportunity to learn more about the security plan and to ask any questions you may have about it. André Wymann, a member of the Zurich City Police Prevention Commission, will give a presentation covering the most important points, together with experts from the Safety, Security, Health and Environment (SSHE) department.