New ETH building information

Since yesterday, the new building information of the Public Real Estate Management department is available. It is a combination of three services related to locations, buildings and plans in a central and user-friendly offer/platform.

Enlarged view: Simple and clear: The building information provides details on buildings and locations alike. (Graphics: ETH Zurich / Public Real Estate Management)
Simple and clear: The building information provides details on buildings and locations alike. (Graphics: ETH Zurich / Public Real Estate Management)

Until now, anyone who has been looking for a building or an areal plan has had to do so on the various Zurich ETH online-platforms. Since yesterday, the new building information of the Public Real Estate Management department in the ETH network is available, which unifies the building directory, the bank of plan data and the location plans in one offer/platform.

The objective of the application was a central and user-friendly service, which in addition to the usual search via building code and address data provides an intuitive search function via a location plan. For the areas Center and H?nggerberg, you can select every building by using an interactive pin, which you can click and you are directly linked to the desired building.

For a better orientation, the respective building information such as abbreviation, location or guide number is supplemented with a photo as well as an optional map search indication. For each building, the respective floor and emergency exit plans are available on the same page.

The offer of the new building information also includes the official location plans of the respective ETH sites as well as for the areas of Center and H?nggerberg the associated special maps are included such as delivery, parking or gastronomy.

The building information is located on the Services & Resources page and can be accessed via the short URL:

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