Dialogue with ETH about current building projects and the university district
On Monday evening, ETH Vice President Ulrich Weidmann, ETH Real Estate Director Daniel Bucheli and project delegate for the university district Peter Bodmer invited the local districts to a “Dialogue with ETH”. They discussed the state of the various plans in the central district and ETH Zurich’s current building and renovation projects.
ETH Zurich is working with University Hospital Zurich, the University of Zurich and the canton and city of Zurich to further develop Zurich’s central university district (HGZZ). ETH is also undertaking various building and renovation projects in the area.
On Monday evening, Ulrich Weidmann, ETH Zurich’s Vice President Human Resources and Infrastructure, Peter Bodmer, delegate from the cantonal council and overall coordinator for HGZZ, and Daniel Bucheli, Director of ETH Zurich’s Public Real Estate Management Division, met with locals from the districts of Fluntern, Oberstrass, Unterstrass, Hottingen and Altstadt for a “Dialogue with ETH”. During the evening, they provided information on ETH’s projects and how they are being embedded in the university district’s overall development.
ETH Zurich’s core tasks are the provision of attractive teaching options, cutting-edge research and the transfer of knowledge into the economy and society. These requirements shape the university’s long-term real estate planning and its need for buildings. ETH Zurich favours versatile buildings that can be readily adapted to new developments and changing requirements. In addition, it is essential to safeguard the quality of the existing building stock and retain its value. One particular challenge is listed buildings.
Various building and renovation projects
Historic city and district structures mean there are limited development opportunities for ETH in the city centre. ETH Zurich has thus earmarked its H?nggerberg location to meet the bulk of its future spatial requirements. This year, ETH will be able to complete the foundations of the new GLC building, after which the construction of the building itself will begin. It will play a central role in the teaching, research and application of medical technology.
ETH is also currently renovating the ML/FHK building complex, which includes the engineering lab, machinery laboratory and former district heating power plant, and is preparing to refurbish the building section beneath the Polyterrasse (MM). Furthermore, ETH is also giving back housing space that it has used, and has a comprehensive energy plan for the central district.
The legal planning basis for Zurich’s central university district was defined this year with the establishment of the first three cantonal design plans, and an urban space concept was developed for the interstitial and exterior spaces. This is now being developed into a white paper by the canton, the city and the three institutions, setting out the principles for an attractive and sustainable university district.
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