Show us your new workplace!
What does your workplace at home look like? Go ahead and send us pictures of you in your new "office". The best pictures will be published on the next "life" cover and on the ETH website.

For some it is the dining table, for others it is the storage room, and some are lucky enough to enjoy a real office. But there is one thing that almost all of us have in common since two weeks: a completely new workplace. What does your workplace look like? Send us photos of you in your remote workplace to or share them on social media with the hashtag external page #ETHathome. We will publish the best and funniest photos on the next cover of the ETH community magazine "life" as well as on Internal news and share them on the ETH social media channels.
By the way: If you've received the "life" magazine in your office so far, you can change the delivery address to your home address.